Online Course Policies and Procedures

When you sign up for any course or webinar with ILCA you are agreeing to all the terms listed below.

1. NETIQUETTE GUIDE – Free and Paid ILCA Programmes

FOR ONLINE events (webinars, talks, workshops) and programmes (courses)

We would like to call your attention to the standards we wish you keep to when you communicate with peers, hosts and guest speakers.

GENERAL GUIDELINES When communicating online, you should always:

  • Treat your instructor and classmates with respect via email, in chatbox (Zoom) or when interacting verbally, or in FB groups, social media posts etc.
  • Use clear and concise language, keep in mind these events are for all attendees, respect their time when relating a longer story or request a seperate consultation
    with the speaker etc.
  • Be aware that using humor or sarcasm as a tone sometimes sounds offensive – be considerate.
  • Anyone overtly referencing to someone’s race, sex, nationality etc. shall be excluded from the event immediately.
  • Make remarks that are on topic and within the scope of the current course material or event.
  • Always be respectful of others’ opinions even when they differ from your own.
  • When you disagree with either a peer, the host or guest speaker, basic courtesy prevails. Express your opinion briefly in a respectful, non-critical way. Do not make personal or insulting remarks and be open-minded – if you are interested in coaching, this should be your fundamental approach anyway.
  • If you feel you need to continue a debate, the host or speaker may ask you to take it into the chatbox, go offline with it, or find a time to discuss later.

Anyone not abiding by these rules will be excluded from the event.


  • Be careful with personal information (both yours and other’s).
  • Do not send confidential information via e-mail, chatbox, on social media.
  • Should you wish to contact an attendee of an event, request personal information through ILCA. We will get you in touch in a secure way.

2. Attendance Policy for online ILCA programmes

Paid programmes – Completion and certification

Success in this programme is dependent on your active participation and engagement throughout the course. Mere attendance will not earn you an ILCA certificate.

As such, attendees are requested to complete assignments for each day (for programmes of over 2 days), and to actively participate in discussions.

Attendees of free events do not receive certificates.

3. Money back guarantee

All ILCA programmes will be held provided there are 6 or more attendees. Should this not be the case, ILCA reserves the right to cancel the event and pay back the exact amount paid by attendees. ILCA may also decide to hold the event with fewer attendees or offer a shorter programme in return. This will be agreed upon with all attendees.

4. Recording programmes

ILCA programmes (trainings and webinars) are viewed and participated by professionals all over the world. Due to a wide range of time zones, some may only be able to attend via recordings. For this reason, programmes are recorded and may be uploaded to ourwebsite/YouTube channel or purchased by attendees wishing to do so asynchronously. All viewers consent to handle information about attendees with discretion and not permit viewing to further parties.

Attendees of ILCA programmes agree to the above and attend in full understanding of the points above.

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